EDL (edit decision list) Audio player functionality by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
What I started looking for is an audio player that can do for audio when mplayer can do for video as described here:
It would be so simple if mplayer would do this for audio as well as video but it does not seem to want to.
Cannot use EDL without video, disabling.
So. I have been on a twisty journey for a few days but it looks like I have found a workable if sub-optimal solution.
I can do the thing with ecasound and ewf files and ecaplay to play multiple ewf files one after the other.
Now, can I hack up a quick utility to take the edl file that I can create in mplayer even though I can't use it there and write multiple ewf files for ecaplay to play for me.
I really want something simpler and cross platform.
Why can't mplayer do this for audio only? Does anyone know of another Free Software player that can do this?
I will update this post as I get new info and include any script I come up with as well. (Or a link to the script)
all the best,
Edit: here is a pastebin link to the code in case there are problems with cop and paste below.
Edit: (this is my first working demo, hopefully the formatting will not bork things)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ecaedl.pl
# script to take an mplayer created edl file
# and the corresponding audio file and write
# a series of ecasound ewf files to match
# mplayer's edl file and then play them in
# sequence with ecaplayer
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
my ($help, $edl, $audfile, $result, $line, @lines, @parts, $numfiles, $oom, $efw, $efwo, $outfile, $name, $dir, $ext, @args);
sub usage
print "Unknown option: @_\n" if ( @_ );
print "usage: program [--edl edlfilename ] [--audfile audfilename] [--help|-h|-?]\n";
usage() if ( ! GetOptions('help|h|?' => \$help, 'edl=s' => \$edl, 'audfile=s' => \$audfile) or defined $help or ! defined $edl or ! defined $audfile);
print "$edl\n";
print "$audfile\n";
($name,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($edl,'\..*');
print "dir is $dir, name is $name, extension is $ext\n";
open(EDLF, $edl);
@lines = <EDLF>;
$numfiles = scalar @lines;
$oom = length($numfiles);
print "The number of files is $numfiles, order of magnitude $oom\n";
$efw = 1;
$efwo = substr("00000000$efw",-$oom);
print "$efwo\n";
for $line (@lines) {
@parts = split(/ /, $line);
$outfile = $name.$efwo."."."ewf";
print "Outfile = $outfile\n";
open(EDWF, ">$outfile");
print EDWF "source = $audfile\n";
print EDWF "start-position = $parts[0]\n";
print EDWF "length = $parts[1]\n";
$efw = $efw + 1;
print "efw is now $efw\n";
$efwo = substr("00000000$efw",-$oom);
print "$efwo\n";
system("ecaplay $outfile");