Thursday, December 2, 2010

Copyright Questions

Copyright Questions

Well, I was searching some of my old domains on the internet archive this morning looking for something for my wife and I came across this old article from 2000 I think. Here is the link:

And here is the article:

Copyright Questions

Copyright Questions - and a few ramblings.

I was just reading an article posting over at Technocrat.Net and decided to finally get around to starting in on writing this. I have been meaning to start for ages now.

The article that prompted it was an editorial by Bruce on Music Bootlegging with Napster hurting Free Software.

This is not relevant to the rest of this piece, but why is there so little notice or discussion of the fact that there is almost no Free Music but there is a lot of Free Software. Where is the GPLed music distributed in source form? Is it that we don't have the tools to support a Free Music movement?

OK, here are the questions. If it would be better to think patent or some other mechanism (other than trade secret) in place of copyright, so be it. For each question, if you choose to send in the answers for inclusion, state whether you think it is moral/ethical, and whether you think it is legal or illegal in your country and whether it is legal or illegal in any other country. I am hoping to get a script online that can take responses. If you feel like knocking one up before I get to it, great. (I would prefer php, but any standard free solution will do.)

* Can I take a picture of a tree in a forest and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I take a picture of a tree in someone's front lawn and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I take a picture of a 'lion tree sculpture' in someone's front lawn and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I take a picture of an artist's oil painting and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I take a picture of a sculptor's work and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I take a picture of a model in a designer dress and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I take a picture of a model in a designer dress and sell or give away copies of the picture with only the models permission?
* Can I take a picture of a building designed by an architect and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I take a picture of a float in a parade and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I take a picture of a room papered with designer wallpaper and sell or give away copies of the picture?
* Can I hear a joke and tell it to someone else?
* Can I hear a joke and tell it in a comedy club where I get paid for my act?
* Can I read a recipe in a copyrighted cookbook and make the dish for sale in my restaurant?
* Can I make a comedy version of a hot song and sell my version without paying anyone royalties?
* When a song is played on the radio, which of the following gets paid? The person who wrote the words, the person who wrote the music, the person who performed the song? The individuals who own the rights to the words, the music, the recording?
* If you commission a sculpture of your dog and the sculptor gives you the finished piece in raw marble, can you paint it to be lifelike and display it on your front lawn?
* Can I sing the latest hit song in my shower?
* Can I get together with my friends and sing the latest hit song in my living room?
* Can I get together with my friends and sing the latest hit song on the street corner for free?
* Can I get together with my friends and sing the latest hit song on the street corner and accept donations in a hat?
* Can I get together with my friends and sing the latest hit song in a club for free?
* Can I get together with my friends and sing the latest hit song in a club and get paid?
* Can I recite the words to a current hit song in a poetry reading contest?
* Can I recite the words to a poem my friend wrote (without their permission) in a poetry reading contest?

I hope this helps to get someone thinking. Please feel free to help me make this clearer or suggest new questions if you can. Also, feel free to treat this as if it had been GPLed for now. Still looking for the best GPL like license for non-programs.


Thoughts? (Fixed a few spelling mistakes.)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Offline Scrobbling Idea

Offline Scrobbling Idea for from portable music devices.

Creative Commons License
Offline Scrobbling Idea by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

OK, so I was playing music on my son's Zen today for him while he was doing some of his homework. This idea came to me.

Why not have device makers accumulate scrobbling data while not connected to the net and then allow the resulting file to be processed by the device or the user's PC at a later time?

Thoughts on this idea appreciated.

all the best,


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Care about FreeArt?

Care about FreeArt?

Creative Commons License
Care about FreeArt? by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

If you care about Free Art it might make sense to give as much of your attention budget as possible to those making it. Make it a non-zero amount.

Your attention includes promoting it to others.

Some of your monetary budget might be a good idea too but I figure your attention budget might be more important.

If you prefer to think of Free Culture or a subset such as Free Music, cool.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

If You Have Something *Important* To Say, Set It Free!

If You Have Something *Important* To Say, Set It Free!

Creative Commons License
If You Have Something *Important* To Say, Set It Free! by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

If you have something important to say, set it Free using something like the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License or their Attribution License.

If you are unwilling to set it Free, don't expect me to think you think it is important. To me, you are saying that money is more important to you than your message. Forgive me if I don't spend my time, which I value, on your message.

all the best,


License for this post: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Saturday, May 22, 2010

EDL (edit decision list) Audio player functionality

EDL (edit decision list) Audio player functionality

Creative Commons License
EDL (edit decision list) Audio player functionality by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

What I started looking for is an audio player that can do for audio when mplayer can do for video as described here:

It would be so simple if mplayer would do this for audio as well as video but it does not seem to want to.

Cannot use EDL without video, disabling.

So. I have been on a twisty journey for a few days but it looks like I have found a workable if sub-optimal solution.

I can do the thing with ecasound and ewf files and ecaplay to play multiple ewf files one after the other.

Now, can I hack up a quick utility to take the edl file that I can create in mplayer even though I can't use it there and write multiple ewf files for ecaplay to play for me.

I really want something simpler and cross platform.

Why can't mplayer do this for audio only? Does anyone know of another Free Software player that can do this?

I will update this post as I get new info and include any script I come up with as well. (Or a link to the script)

all the best,


Edit: here is a pastebin link to the code in case there are problems with cop and paste below.

Edit: (this is my first working demo, hopefully the formatting will not bork things)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# script to take an mplayer created edl file
# and the corresponding audio file and write
# a series of ecasound ewf files to match
# mplayer's edl file and then play them in
# sequence with ecaplayer

use strict;

use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;

my ($help, $edl, $audfile, $result, $line, @lines, @parts, $numfiles, $oom, $efw, $efwo, $outfile, $name, $dir, $ext, @args);

sub usage
print "Unknown option: @_\n" if ( @_ );
print "usage: program [--edl edlfilename ] [--audfile audfilename] [--help|-h|-?]\n";

usage() if ( ! GetOptions('help|h|?' => \$help, 'edl=s' => \$edl, 'audfile=s' => \$audfile) or defined $help or ! defined $edl or ! defined $audfile);

print "$edl\n";
print "$audfile\n";
($name,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($edl,'\..*');
print "dir is $dir, name is $name, extension is $ext\n";

open(EDLF, $edl);
@lines = <EDLF>;
$numfiles = scalar @lines;
$oom = length($numfiles);
print "The number of files is $numfiles, order of magnitude $oom\n";

$efw = 1;
$efwo = substr("00000000$efw",-$oom);
print "$efwo\n";

for $line (@lines) {
@parts = split(/ /, $line);
$outfile = $name.$efwo."."."ewf";
print "Outfile = $outfile\n";
open(EDWF, ">$outfile");
print EDWF "source = $audfile\n";
print EDWF "start-position = $parts[0]\n";
print EDWF "length = $parts[1]\n";
$efw = $efw + 1;
print "efw is now $efw\n";
$efwo = substr("00000000$efw",-$oom);
print "$efwo\n";
system("ecaplay $outfile");

Friday, May 21, 2010

Gated Punch In / Punch Out idea for ardour / traverso / qtractor / etc

Gated Punch In / Punch Out idea for ardour / traverso / qtractor / etc

Creative Commons License
Gated Punch In / Punch Out idea for ardour / traverso / qtractor / etc by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

So, am I ignorant and does this idea already exist?

Or, is this a foolish idea and not worth considering?

Or... (hopefully this one if not the first) would this be a cool addition to the feature set of a Digital Audio Workstation?

What I have in mind is an auto punch in and punch out but rather being keyed off of predefined ranges, it will be controlled by a noise gate. When a threshold is exceeded we punch in and when we drop below the threshold, we punch out.


all the best,


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Advertising Flyer Idea

Advertising Flyer Idea

Creative Commons License
Advertising Flyer Idea by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

OK, so the other day (you got me, the other week, I have been putting this write up off for too long now) I came down from work to find a flyer in my windshield. Now I really don't like getting these things but I have handed out a good amount in my younger days so, whatever...

This one was printed on both sides and so became instant garbage... What a waste. So I got to thinking and figured that printing it on both sides increased the chances of it being waste. Now, I can see the appeal of printing it on both sides as when placed under a wiper on a windshield (this is where I met the one in question) as the offer can be seen by those passing as well as the poor driver from the inside who got in before thinking to remove it.

The thing is, is this worth it if the things gets trashed right away. What a waste indeed.

So here is the idea:

Print only one side with you intended ad or offer. Print the other side with lines (think note paper) and your logo and phone number. Now instead of trashing your flyer, there is a decent chance I will take it home to use as note paper. Now your logo and contact info will be before me. Possible for a good while to come.

Just a thought for you Flyer Distributors. No Charge...

all the best,


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dirty Words

Dirty Words

Creative Commons License
Dirty Words by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Hey advertisers. You want to sell me something? Well, I know you think when you use words like "proprietary" and "patented" or "patent pending" that it will enhance the image of what you are selling and make it seem more desirable to me. That such words will make me want your goods more and make me want to buy them but I have a little secret for you.

Those are "dirty words" to me. They are "turn off" words. They make me want to avoid your stuff. I do appreciate you telling me the facts though so that I can more easily avoid your stuff. I would hate for your stuff to be polluted with such stuff but you not tell me about it. That would make it harder to avoid your stuff.

So, do your best to leave such out of your products and tell me about *that* and I will be more likely to buy from you.

Just some food for thought.

all the best,
