Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Can you make the case for charity?

I created the choices in the list below but allowed my computer to randomize them for me. If you feel that you can make a decent case for either of them, please do so in a comment below.

  • The Libertarian case for charity.
  • The Secular case for charity.
  • The Public case for charity.
  • The Religious case for charity.
  • The Corporate case for charity.
  • The Progressive case for charity.
  • The Private case for charity.
  • The Group case for charity.
  • The Individual case for charity.
  • The Government case for charity.
  • The Liberal case for charity.
  • The Conservative case for charity.

If you feel I should add some other options, please let me know.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bahamian Creative Scene

Who makes more money in this country? (The Bahamas) And that is from work done while living in this country or work done in this country.

1. Musicians
2. Comedians
3. Actors
4. Athletes
5. Artists (Painters)
6. Artists (Sculptors)
7. Jugglers
8. Acrobats
9. Dancers
10. Visual Artists
11. Poets

Any others we want to add?

I put athletes on the list as a comparison.