Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Sports And Music In The Bahamas

Sports And Music In The Bahamas

Let's take sports and music as they exist in the Bahamas post high school. (This is from occasional personal observation and not from any systematic study.)

We have musicians who play in front of the public, or who would like to, complaining on a fairly regular basis that the financial rewards are too small and that they are not respected enough and etc. (I am not in any way saying that these points are completely invalid.)

We have athletes who also play in front of the public. Basketball, baseball, soccer, American football, cricket, and possibly others. As far as I know, none of these local athletes gets paid.

(We do have local athletes who go abroad and play professional sports to be sure.)

My guess is that local musicians earn more on average by "making" music than local athletes doing their thing. I don't recall local athletes complaining in the same way the musicians do. They seem to be playing for the love of the sport. I am sure some local musicians also play for the love of the music.

What is your take on this "situation" in your country?